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How Love Can Change the World

How Love Can Change the World

Martin Luther King said that, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” When we hear the President saying things that betray some of our most deeply-held values it is virtually impossible to feel love for him or want to be his friend. It...
The Universal Heart

The Universal Heart

As it is the new year, I am reminded of Mircea Eliade’s The Myth of the Eternal Return. In this book, the author explains that in ancient cultures, time was thought of as circular rather than linear, rotating on a yearly basis back to a primal, original moment,...
Why Men Get Bored of Sex

Why Men Get Bored of Sex

In my psychotherapy practice, guys of all ages complain that sooner or later they lose their mojo for their sex partner. They start off being able to do it three times a night, but before long they can barely find a good reason to get it on. They don’t really...
Why Can’t My Wife and My Mother Get Along?

Why Can’t My Wife and My Mother Get Along?

In the film “Bye Bye Birdie,” the character Albert, played by Dick Van Dyke, tells his mother that he has “plans” to marry his secretary, Rosie. When his mother hears this, she puts her head in the oven and tells her son to bury her in the front yard so Rosie can walk...
Do You Dream You Didn’t Graduate?

Do You Dream You Didn’t Graduate?

I got an email from a client recently asking, “hey, what does it mean when you have the reoccurring dream that you’ve missed one class and this keeps you from graduating school?” The truth is, no one knows for sure. But there are a few things we do know pretty clearly...