What I Believe

Whether you are miserable, your heart weighs a million pounds, you can’t get out of your own way, or your brain feels like scrambled eggs, I believe you deserve, and can have, a great life of confidence, achievement, fulfillment, and love. Find out how..


I combine timeless wisdom, the best therapy techniques, cutting-edge coaching, and natural brain wellness to help you achieve your goals for a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Couple Counseling

You can have a great love. I get you there by teaching emotional attunement, positive support, and mindful expression.

Artist Mentoring

Having worked with great artists gives me a unique vantage point to help you reach your dreams of accomplishment and success.

Brain Health Coaching

Emotional well-being starts with having a healthy brain. Learn the best ways to nourish the most important organ in the body.


I have no doubt in my mind that I am a better man because of the work we did together. The lessons I learned created positive change in my family, work, and personal life. The growth I experienced with Glenn as my mentor and coach can be seen in the big picture and details of my life, and I am truly grateful for the path I am on.


Thanks to our work together I no longer feel lost, ashamed or wrongly self-accusatory. His clinical skills, unwavering commitment & kind patience guided me to safely face a painful traumatized past, discard unhealthy defenses, and realize the strengths within me.


In a word, Dr. Berger is a diamond. Possessing a storied life experience as well as a studious dedication and passion for further honing his skills, Glenn is a results-driven and highly effective therapist, coach, and mentor.


Contact Me Now for a Free Online Consultation

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Getting Started

Through a comprehensive evaluation and assessment process we establish what you need and create a roadmap for our work together.

How I help

I offer an authentic relationship where I see the best in you, enter your world, listen with undivided attention, and provide honest feedback, great information, and wise guidance.

Who I am

I am a Gestalt therapist, a Harville Hendrix trained couples counselor, an Amen Brain Health Coach, and recording engineer who worked with Dylan, Jagger, and Sinatra.

Happy Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day

It’s Groundhog Day again, reminding us that too many of us live the same day over and over again. How do we get out of the trap of our stuckness? Bill Murry gives us the answer.

The Heart, Ch’I, and Courage

The Heart, Ch’I, and Courage

The next quality that is central to the Mencian conception of heart is ch’i. (For those of you who are just joining this conversation, Mencius was a great Chinese Sage who lived and wrote 2300 years ago. Central to his philosophy was the notion of "heart." See other...

How Love Can Change the World

How Love Can Change the World

In honor of Martin Luther King’s birthday, a meditation on his statement that “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”

The Universal Heart

The Universal Heart

Ancient cultures believed that time begins anew at the New Year. The Mayans believed there was a universal heart at the center of the universe that is the energetic source for every individual heart. Not only, then, can we have the hope, faith, and promise of rebirth at the turn of the year, but as we also emerge from, and will return to, a central point, we have the hope, faith, and promise that we are part of a universal whole.

Why Men Get Bored of Sex

Why Men Get Bored of Sex

In my psychotherapy practice, guys of all ages complain that sooner or later they lose their mojo for their sex partner. They start off being able to do it three times a night, but before long they can barely find a good reason to get it on. They don’t really...

Buy the Book

“Glenn captures the excitement of making music and gives the reader a true feeling of being a part of the drive and fantasy, the magic, the insanity, the moments of sheer exasperation and sheer wonder.”

– JUDY COLLINS, Grammy winning singer/songwriter



Disclaimer: Glenn Berger’s website does not provide medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the website are for informational purposes only. This website’s content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, therapist, or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical, psychological, or psychiatric condition. Never disregard professional medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical or psychiatric emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.